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Office : Postal Code 84156-8311, Room 12 , Department of Mathematical of Scinces Phone : (+98)-311-3913612 Fax : (+98)-311-3913602 Web Site : Mahmood Behboodi
  • Professor
Research Fields :
  • Ring theory (both commutative and non-commutative):
  • Generalizations of the Wedderburn-Artin theorem and related topics
  • Virtually uniserial modules and rings related topics
  • Direct sum decompositions of modules and related topics
  • Finite representation type of algebras
  • Prime and classical prime submodules
  • Classical primary decomposition of rings and modules
  • Structure and representation of finite rings
  • Spectral spaces and classical Zariski topology of rings and modules

Recent Publications

ارتقاء امنیت وب با وف ایرانی

Dr. Mahmood Behboodi |


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ارتقاء امنیت وب با وف ایرانی